Overseas   Manufacturing   Group,   LLC                          

 830-13 A1A N #221 Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 tel 904-307-1717 fax 904-826-0879 email overseasmg@aol.com            

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Overseas Manufacturing Group, LLC provides following additional services:

bullet Design assistance and full engineering support:                                     

          We shall handle all stages of product development: from product concept through  low cost manufacturing process.

bullet Warehousing, inventory management, including pick and pack service, custom packaging

           We  stock and maintain required inventory levels. We process and  deliver your orders from our warehouse to you or your customers' dock directly using most economical shipping. We offer customized packaging services in order to increase your productivity and efficiency. 


Representation in China and custom tailored offshore solutions:

           We can help establish your presence in China without going into the lengthy and expensive process of opening your own individual office. Our staff members will work on projects specific to developing your business in China. In addition we  offer a wide range of practical support services.


Design Assistance

Inventory Management

Representation in China


Contact Information

For all your inquiries please contact Overseas Manufacturing Group, LLC

Postal address
830-13 A1A N #221 Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
Electronic mail
General Information: overseasmg@aol.com
Sales:  sales@overseasmg.com


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Last modified: 12/08/05